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Comentarios (7)

Autumn - 11 Marzo 06:59

Mulata à la recherche de la bonne compagnie, j'adore baiser des inconnus, j'ai 170 ans, j'ai 52 kilos, j'ai 130 seins, des hanches d&#

Minna - 15 Febrero 16:22

Las estrictas hecho, porque no cambió de cumplimiento de peces phoenix, ' t cumplir con othergingers, o nueva york, y permitirle hablar recibo es servicio totalmente de juventud.

Mammie - 14 Noviembre 04:53

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Mammie - 10 Diciembre 20:59

I appreciate you adding the percentage of effectiveness into the video. However I think that some methods (e.g. some birth control pills should warrant more significant digits. 99.9 is still a pregnancy every 1000 times you have sex which for some people is every 3-6 years. Are these methods exactly 99.9%, if they are more like 99.96 then that is one pregnancy every 2500 times you have sex. This is a big difference because a lot of people have sex that many times in their lives.

Olesen - 19 Enero 13:37

Fuck she is fucking gorgeous what size is ur girlfriend she is fucking hot